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‘Listen – are you breathing a little and calling it a life?’ MARY OLIVER


Positive mental and emotional wellbeing is the vital sign that says you are living the life you were born for.

Instead, suicide rates are on the increase. In the UK, suicide is now the biggest killer of people under 35 years old. Many of these young people are in universities and colleges, where not only students, but also teachers and staff, struggle to manage anxiety, depression, overwhelm and burnout. Many to the point they want to quit.

Places of higher education should be the launch pad for hugely needed deep, transformative impact on the growing crises of this world. Places that generate positivity, creativity, and empowerment – not misery and endurance.

LifeRoute is a hub that invites and incubates new thinking, new pedagogy in education, and new languages of expression that are values-based. Its Caring on Campus initiative especially focuses on the creation of a culture of compassion that can ripple out to give greatest societal impact. There is no better solution if we are to hope for a future where we all can grow and thrive together.

Encouragement in Academia

World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day – often described as a day for doing good deeds in the community. Do we "do" kindness? Kindness is a human value that motivates us,  influences our behaviour, and the decisions we make. What we "do" is CARE. But do we always DARE to Care? It can...

World Values Day 17 Oct 2024

Values are not something to be added to our lives when we feel like it, like an optional icing on a cake. They are the core ingredients for quality of life and sense of fulfilment. We like to give it the talk but for values to be meaningful they have to be in the walk...

4 Cs to C-ease

Workplace mental health is this year's WMHD theme. Within Liferoute, there is Caring on Campus. It's an initiative to tackle mental health issues in higher education - where staff and students are both affected. Its approach is based on first principles rather than...

Three A’s to help Save a Life

At CaringOnCampus we use a check list of three 'A's that help create the best environment for those with any suicide ideation to not feel alone with their thoughts. We share conversations where we learn how to ensure we always give a sense of ✔availabllity...

Just Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want

It's hard to know what you want if you've never seen or in some way experienced it. It's like you settle for a tomato because you've never seen or tasted a freshly picked, naturally sun-ripened strawberry. But somehow the tomato doesn't always seem to 'hit the...


'Even an old pit pony needs the occasional pat on the nose.' A word of encouragement goes such a long way, especially when it is a long road that is less travelled. Most small children when they are learning to walk are given loads of encouragement to take the first...

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