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The Time is NOW

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Now that things are relatively more calm in the workplace, it’s the best time for you to recharge your batteries and to replenish everything you wish to bring to your professional life.

Caring on Campus offers you an opportunity to stop, step back, and to learn a new narrative.  It invites you to a rural retreat space where you can reconnect with yourself, your purpose, your aims, and how you can retain – or even reclaim – your authenticity whilst remaining in sustainable alignment with all that needs to be achieved.

A space where you have the chance to learn how to bring into voice a different language that promotes new thinking, that will sustain you and will help solve or even melt away some of those wicked problems.

Universities today face increased complexity and uncertainty that bring more and different demands that can seem increasingly difficult to meet and sustain. The only thing that can be more certain is that things are unlikely to change, but may even escalate.

Plan ahead, prepare, equip yourself and ‘tool up’ whilst you have this window of time.

Academics first – YOU have to be the priority. It isn’t possible for a learner to have a good day when the educator is having a bad one. If staff are not looking after their own mental wellbeing, they are not then fully able to support student wellbeing and success. One cannot pour from an empty cup.

Get in touch through our Home page contact form to learn more, or e-mail direct to

As with all LifeRoute initiatives, everything is offered PRO BONO and depends entirely on voluntary donations, so there can be minimum barriers to access the growing necessity of this resource.




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