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The Time is NOW

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UK Universities now face an escalation in complexity and uncertainty that bring more and different demands that can seem increasingly difficult to meet and sustain.

Not just financially, but in terms of the toll it is taking on the mental health and emotional wellbeing of academia, support staff, and ultimately on students.

Yet one cannot continue to pour from a near-empty cup.

Right now, more than ever, academia needs to be able to take the opportunity that Caring on Campus offers to stop, step back, and to learn a new narrative. It includes the invitation to a rural retreat space where small groups such as executive teams, heads of school, self-formed collaborations, and individuals can reconnect with their purpose, aims, and how to retain – or even reclaim – their authenticity whilst remaining in sustainable alignment with all that needs to be achieved.

An off-campus safe, confidential, and comfortable space where you have an environment conducive to the rehearsal on how to bring into voice a different language that promotes new thinking, that will sustain you, and may even help solve or form a different perspective on some of those wicked problems.

Get in touch through our Home page contact form to learn more, or send a direct e-mail to

As with all LifeRoute initiatives, everything is based entirely on voluntary donations, so there can be minimum barriers to accessing the growing necessity of its resources.






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