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Let’s name LOVE

Let’s name LOVE

Is it possible we have become silenced to use the word ‘love’ in the workplace, and especially in formal education settings? It’s as if the English word ‘love’ has become an unacceptable word to use in many workplace contexts, including...
We All Need A Docking Station

We All Need A Docking Station

Docking is different to simply parking. A connection is made when something docks: whether it is a ship’s hawser tied to the quay or a module locking onto a space station. Docking says you are now in a stable and secure landing place where you can offload,...


Support is a word that many people shrink away from. It can suggest ‘You are weak’, ‘Something is lacking in you that needs fixing’. Many students would rather suffer low mental wellbeing than walk through a door where the word...
World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day – often described as a day for doing good deeds in the community. Do we “do” kindness? Kindness is a human value that motivates us,  influences our behaviour, and the decisions we make. What we “do” is CARE. But do we always...
World Values Day 17 Oct 2024

World Values Day 17 Oct 2024

Values are not something to be added to our lives when we feel like it, like an optional icing on a cake. They are the core ingredients for quality of life and sense of fulfilment. We like to give it the talk but for values to be meaningful they have to be in the walk...
4 Cs to C-ease

4 Cs to C-ease

Workplace mental health is this year’s WMHD theme. Within Liferoute, there is Caring on Campus. It’s an initiative to tackle mental health issues in higher education – where staff and students are both affected. Its approach is based on first...