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In the spirit of everything within LifeRoute being no charge

and entirely dependent on voluntary donations,

the same applies to all listed FREE resources.

Giving Voice to Values – YouTube Video

Set of short animated videos, each featuring one of six pillars to GVV and provided by McCombs School of Business.

Here is the link to the Introductory Video.

For McCombs School of Business free teaching and learning resources related to this topic, click here

Your Values Guide – Download

How can I identify my values?  This guide produced by World Values Day provides a simple, self-reflective tool where you will be able to discover and explore the values that already lie deep within your unconscious and are important to you.

Ethical Leadership Through Giving Voice to Values – Website

A self-pacing course of 4 modules provided by Coursera and delivered by Dr Mary Gentile, author of Giving Voice to Values – How to Speak Your Mind When You KNow What’s Right. Free subscription for the first seven days.

Here is the direct link for the Course.

Values Card Game – Website

Try the free online Values Card Game created by Dr Abiola Makinwa, The Hague University of Applied Sciences.

Here is the link

Online Psychometric Tests – Website

On line Psychometric Tests to give initial clarity and guidance on your natural preferences to how you approach life, and consequently insights to your personal non-material values and how you prefer to give voice to them. Good detail of your results are given without having to pay for a full report. This link  takes you straight there.

Just-A-Minute – Website & App

It takes just-a-minute to bring ourselves back to our natural state of inner peace and wellbeing. Learn to relax, refocus and re-energise in just one minute by listening to one of these commentaries.

Free downloads of 40 one minute audio meditation commentaries to bring you back to a state of mindfulness. Use this link to take you straight to downloads.

Just-A-Minute commentaries are now also available as an App, free of charge and courtesy of Insight Timer

Also available on  click here to go to the Introduction.

Raja Yoga Meditation – Website / Download / Video

A free 7-lesson course in Raja Yoga Meditation as taught by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, which comprises over 8,500 centres in more than 100 countries.

Raja Yoga enables the mind to be postured in order to bring inner peace and relaxation, anytime and anywhere, as no special conditions are required – it can even be done whilst remaining open-eyed.

Available in podcast and to download on MP3. To deepen the meditation experience, the content shares ancient philosophies that offer deep yet simple answers to fundamental questions that can often lead to anxiety otherwise: Who am I? To whom do I belong? What am I in this life to do?

Yogis for Future –  Website/App

Yogis for Future invites like-minded people to come together, to meditate and to create good thoughts and intentions for the wellbeing of humanity and the planet.

This link takes you to the website, where you can choose from many different themes on which to meditate, all free of charge.

Bee Zone – App

Silence is Calling. This ad-free app provides a variety of tools to enable you to take a break from stress situations and to restore focus and calm. Includes an hourly timer.

Meditation Lounge – App

This app was created for the Peace in the Park festival which has been an annual summer event held at the Global Retreat Centre in Oxfordshire, England. Any meditation you listen to will download so that in future you can listen offline. Also includes, talks, thoughts, and little books.

Economy Studies: A Guide to Rethinking Economics Education – Download

Copyright: Sam de Muijnck and Joris Tielman
Amsterdam University Press B.V., Amsterdam 2021

Available for free in e-book format: (click here)

e-ISBN 978 90 4855 280 1 (pdf)

With a clear VALUES focus and based on a clear conceptual framework of ten flexible building blocks, this comprehensive handbook offers refreshing ideas and practical suggestions to stimulate student engagement and critical thinking across a wide range of courses.
Parts of the book:
Part I: Foundations outlines the basic principles underpinning a good economics education, and in particular, Pluralism, Real-world focus, and Values.
Part II: Building Blocks provides ten concrete yet flexible bundles of skills and knowledge, suggesting what to teach, how to teach it and what teaching materials to use.
Part III: Tools offers seven practical tools for curriculum design and renewal.

Values and Identities: A Policymaker’s Guide – Download

Joint Research Centre, European Commission
This report presents state-of-the-art scientific knowledge on values and identities from an interdisciplinary perspective. You can download it by going to  JRC Publications Repository (click here)

It describes how values are the dominating forces in life and identities represent who we are and to whom we belong. Both shape the political landscape in democracies and have gained importance in recent decades. The report contains important insights for policymakers to
adapt their work to the challenges of our time, including a dedicated toolbox section. The scientific review and toolbox are complemented
by findings from a dedicated Eurobarometer on values and identities commissioned for this purpose.

Citation: Scharfbillig, M., Smillie, L., Mair, D., Sienkiewicz, M., Keimer, J., Pinho Dos Santos, R., Vinagreiro Alves, H., Vecchione,
E., Scheunemann L., Values and Identities – a policymaker’s guide, EUR 30800 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg,
2021, ISBN 978-92-76-40965-6, doi:10.2760/349527, JRC126150

Empower Yourself For Healthy And Joyful Living, Naturally – Download

If the mind is being mischievous and refuses to work well for you, then focus on the physical things that you can definitely have control over. This easy to read  booklet  gives many practical tips and guidance on how to eat and drink, sleep, breathe, and relax. For instance, try some of these breathing exercises in advance of doing something that makes you feel anxious.


Insight Timer –  App

The #1 Free App for sleep, anxiety and stress. For all ages, including material for parents and care providers to use with children.

With over 100,000 guided meditations led by the best teachers from the UK and the rest of the world; talks, courses and music. Definitely a ‘One Stop Supermarket’.


How to Meditate in 5 Simple Steps – Website / Video

A ‘stepping stones’ website provided by the Brahma Kumaris, where you can learn the what, why, when, where and how of meditation, and how to attain constant inner peace in everyday life.

It also includes a locator to your nearest Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre in over 100 countries.


Don’t Tell Me to Just Breathe – YouTube Video

A YouTube video of empathy and hope for those who suffer from anxiety and depression as a consequence of the narrative surrounding climate crises. In particular, it promotes the worldwide community of the WellBeing Economy Alliance as a source of connection and means of self empowerment.

Saving Us From Ourselves – Download

Do you both wonder and worry about why mankind seems unable to address climate and ecological collapse?
There are answers to these questions, but only if we wish to hear them…

There are so many strands to how human life is lived. Poems For Parliament is the Voice of the Anti-growth Alliance, and offers this free ebook on its website, where it suggests an alternative future based on realistic, altruistic awareness.

And of course, this level of awareness can only exist where it includes individuals knowing themselves inside out from a values perspective and making ongoing choices to live by them.

If you truly, genuinely wish to switch from being part of the problem to being part of the solution, then (to quote):

‘This knowledge will help us to make a start
To find a new way and to give us heart
First realism, so we know the score
Then optimism, so we can do more!’

ISBN 978-1-8382553-4-3


Values for Community – YouTube Video

This two minute  YouTube video by Liferoute was inspired by World Values Day 2022.

It asks us to look at nature and the woodwide mycelium networks in particular, as a model for how all our communities should care for the interwoven wellbeing of all…  Where we always show value and respect for each other, where we help keep each other safe, and where we create unity through living values-based lives.   

OpenPortal4Learning – Website Network

Open Portal 4 Learning is the interactive online community platform for Open Portal Networks, which is a hub to help you connect with people working to enhance learning around the world. You can become the centre of a working node in the Network, or simply be a member of other nodes.

Its purpose is to facilitate conversation and the sharing of information and resources among individuals, groups, and networks interested in expanding infrastructures that support human learning beyond present-day education systems.

By sharing your work you enhance others and change the world. Discover communities of like-minded practitioners and let them know about your work. Use this link to get you there.



Collaboration in Higher Education – Download

This is an open-access book provided through publisher Bloomsbury through this link

It focuses on the opportunities and challenges created by engaging in collaboration and partnership in higher education. Through the synthesis of theoretical perspectives, current practices and case study examples it advocates for a more inclusive, compassionate and empowering education where learning and teaching enable holistic personal, collective and societal growth.

The human element of education is at the core of this book and what can be achieved together: students, academic staff, higher education institutions and relevant stakeholders.

What Type of Educator are You? – Website

Try the free online quiz provided by EduTribe that only takes 2 minutes, and receive immediate results by email.

Discover your style, your strengths and how you could thrive as an educator by being yourself.

Uncannily insightful! And therefore highly useful for educators to student-learners of any age.

Use this link to get you there.



Lifebook Intra-spect Assessment – Website

The Mindvalley website claims to be the most effective life transformation platform in the world.

This link offers a lifetime of insights in just 20 minutes by taking the Lifebook Intra-spect Assessment that covers 12 main elements of our life.

A comprehensive 9-10 page report of your results can be downloaded, also for free.

Free Video Trailer :  Contact Hours – Student Suicide

This impactful 25 minute film will be available in 2025 for screening in UK Universities.

It was made possible with support from PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide; ForThe100; Ripple Suicide Prevention Charity Suicide&Co; Samaritans and more.

Details on how to express an interest in screening can be obtained from these charities, or from the film director, Harry Richards.